
Grieving Through The Holidays

Up close picture of a Christmas ornament on the floor | Child Loss | Grief during the holidays | Pregnancy Loss | Evolve Counseling | Centennial CO 80112

Holidays without loved ones can be hard.  Okay, let's be real, it really sucks.   As the warm air of summer fades and the cool, crisp air of fall swoops in, we start to realize the holidays are near.   This can bring a mixture of different emotions. For me, the holiday season is coupled with spending time with the important people...[ read more ]

Over The Edge: When Coping Turns Harmful

Woman sitting in shadow with head in hands | Substance Use | Grief Counseling |Evolve Counseling | Centennial CO 80112

Life is a rollercoaster.  Sometimes we get swept into its undercurrent and find ourselves struggling to cope; barely able to keep our heads above water.  Life can be painful.  We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle, that we stop taking care of ourselves.  Instead, we can find ourselves reaching for things that numb.   We can end...[ read more ]

Life Without Parker: Finding Hope After Loss

Picture of a double rainbow | Finding Hope After Child Loss | Blog Articles on healing after the losing a child | Get pregnancy and infant loss support at Evolve Counseling, LLC in Centennial, CO 80112

If you know me at all, then you know probably know that I am a therapist and more importantly, a mother.  But here is what you may not know.  I have three children, only two of which are living. My first child never took a breath outside my body.   We were like any first time parents.  So excited to find...[ read more ]

Grief: Carrying Them With You

Lit candle in a mason jar | Grief Counseling | Pregnancy and infant loss | Evolve Counseling | Centennial CO 80112

Loss is painful. Grief is messy.  The process of grief is different for everyone and for every situation.  Through all the differences, one thing remains the same; it's hard and it sucks.  At times we might find ourselves questioning how we can go on.  Even though life keeps going, we don't want it to.  Our world changes when we lose someone...[ read more ]

7955 E. Arapahoe Ct. Suite 1275
Centennial , CO 80112
(720) 506-1568

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